I am now using word of the computer language to describe some of the features of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Some people might not like being compared with a machine, but it makes it quite understandable how the ANS works.....
The stress-system is - from the evolutionary point of view - a very old survival-system. When it evolved, survival situations - e.g. running away from a wild animal - needed may be 30 minutes. Either the predator or the hunted animal succeeded.....
Traditional Chinese Medicine suggests that pain arises from an excess of energy within the body. One can visualize this energy system as various rivers coursing through the body. However, disruptions akin to landslides can occur, constricting these riverbeds........
We learnt to hide our real self by putting a thick armory of protection layers round it, a false self. As a kid the protection layers helped us to endure the pain of being hurt, rejected and ashamed. Or the child was over-protected and not allowed to make own experiences.....
By braking off pieces of the protection-and coping-mechanisms that cover our real self and the heart and balancing the nervous system back into the corridor of well-being we climb up the stair towards contentment, good health and satisfying relationships.....
If the nervous system is in a hyper-aroused state the body provides a lot of energy to fight or run away. In situations we do not deal with the energy in a healthy way, it gets stuck somewhere in the body and produces a blockage. In front of the blockage.....
Various stressors can significantly impact the process of learning. Stress undermines brain integration, either due to unresolved early reflexes or an inadequately developed brain. Simply increasing practice might not always provide the solution to the problem. Overcoming learning barriers and reinstating proper brain integration enable learning that is both stress-free and more effective.......
Chronic degenerative and autoimmune diseases are the result of a prolonged Cell Danger Response (CDR). The extended CDR leads to persistent activation of the immune system, causing damage to the energy-producing mitochondria within cells, disrupting the citric acid cycle and causes subtle, but on the long run very severe inflammations in the body that cause the......